when life explodes

May 19, 2017 at 10:25 2 comments

i’ve been working really diligently at pursuing my hearty list of new year’s resolutions, but the fact is- sometimes priorities HAVE to shift.  this post is about how i intend to have success in 2017, even after my world flipped upside down.

without giving too many personal details: my husband spent all of march sick, and almost all of april in the hospital. he’d been recovering at home since then, until a partial return to work this week.  

with each new phase of his illness, we have had to re-adjust what is “normal” in this house.  schedules have had to alter, and priorities have had to be down-graded.   the details are different in my story, but it’s a familiar scenario to most of us who set goals and try to keep them, no?  you’re in a groove, it’s great, then BOOM.

it’s okay to reprioritize. it’s the right thing to do when your goals are not as important as the moment you’re living in. i want to encourage you in this, because i believe it to be the difference between success and failure.  

my daily goals of practicing french, stretching & reading my bible did not fit with my new daily routine of biking to the hospital/home to feed the kids/back to the hospital.  the reality of life is that there are only 24 hours in every single day, and we are accountable for how we use them.  instead, i climbed 8 flights of stairs rather than using the elevator. i listened to french podcasts while cleaning the house once vising hours were over.  i read my bible more, desperately clinging to My Anchor in this storm. 

life is not static, and our goals and schedules must flex with it.  if you’ve been working on a new year’s resolution and were surprised with roadblocks as well- i encourage you to remember that the real goal is still exactly where it was when you started; it’s not too late to pursue it.

Entry filed under: derek, goings-on.

2 minute toothpaste thwip!

2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. starbursteyes  |  May 19, 2017 at 13:37

    An excellent perspective, thank-you.

  • 2. Michelle Falzon  |  May 19, 2017 at 14:09

    God bless you Joan! You are such an inspiration!


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